About Architectural Graphic Standards Online
An indispensable tool, Architectural Graphic Standards (AGS) is often referred to as the ‘architect’s bible’. Characterized by a highly visual format that provides concise text, tables, and thousands of detailed graphics, it comprehensively compiles all the information that a practitioner could ever require; setting the bar for good practice in line with current codes and standards.
As a bound volume, AGS has been the go-to resource on every architect’s shelf for over eight decades. Now, AGS is available online. Accessed through a mobile-friendly interface, it can be used on a desktop, tablet, or smart phone. This makes it possible to search thousands of graphic details, texts, and tables, whether you are at your desk, in the field, or on the move.

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And see why AGS Online is an indispensable tool for your practice
- Unlike other content on the Web, Architectural Graphic Standards Online is generic and authoritative. All featured graphic details are universal rather than manufacturer-specific.
- This allows design professionals to complete their tasks more efficiently, without having to spend precious hours altering details from a manufacturer’s website.
- Endorsed by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), it’s an indispensable resource for the design and construction industry.
- Terms coordinate with the 2010 edition of UniFormat™, 2012 edition of MasterFormat®, and the OmniClass Construction Classification System™ tables, which are used by the National Institute of Building Sciences as the basis for their National Building Information Model Standard.
- Highly current, Architectural Graphic Standards Online is regularly updated as requirements and codes change. You will no longer have to wait years for a new print edition to be released.

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